Cooking on a Smokey Mountain
Smoking is a great way to enhance and deepen the flavour of your food. The Weber Smokey Mountain
Cooker has been developed especially for smoking food. Pre-soaked wood chunks added to the coals of any
barbecue will smoulder, creating smoke which slow cooks and infuses your food with a delicious smoky

- Make sure the interior of the cooker and water pan are clean.
- Set up the bottom section of the Smokey Mountain Cooker with the charcoal grate in place.
- For 57cm WSM – On a cool/cold day, place two chimney starter full of briquettes on top of the coal grate and light using firelighters. On a warm/hot day, one and a half will be sufficient. For 47cm WSM – On a cold day use one and a half chimney starters and on a warm/hot day, use one. For 37cm WSM – On a cool/cold day use one chimney starter, on a warm hot day, use half.
- Wear gloves or mitts when handling chimney starters and the barbecue
- When you see flames at the top of the Chimney Starter, pour the briquettes carefully from the Chimney Starter into the charcoal chamber and spread coals around evenly.
- Place the middle section that houses the water pan and cooking grates on the bottom section and slowly pour 4.5 liters (a gallon) of cool tap water through the cooking grate into the water pan.
- Make sure all vents are open. Wait for the temperature to settle in the ‘Smoke Zone’ at 95–120°C before any food is added.
- Place the food into the cooker. You can use the bottom grate first, then put the top grate in place and fill that with food. *Note that the top grate cooks at approximately 10°C hotter than the bottom grate.
- Open the access door and carefully place your wood chunks or chips onto the hot coals. 4-6 chunks or 2-3 handfuls of chips is enough for the entire cooking session. Too much smoke can make food taste bitter.
- Place the lid on the cooker and monitor the temperature for 30 minutes to ensure it remains in the ‘Smoke Zone’. Keep the top vents fully open throughout the entire cooking process.
- Check the temperature every 15 mins for the first hour of cooking. It’s important to try and keep the temperature at 95–120°C. Operating the bottom vents will help you achieve and maintain your target temperature. Open vents to increase temperature and close to reduce. Vents are sensitive so half way positions can be used.
- Replenish the water pan every 1 1/2 to 2 hours as necessary. Use boiling water to maintain temperature but if the cooker is running too hot, adding cold water to the pan will bring temperature down. Do not over fill the water pan, as an overflow will cause an ash cloud to rise from the coals and taint your food.
- No peeking! Heat and smoke escape each time the lid is lifted, sacrificing flavour and increasing cooking time. Remove the cooker lid only if foiling, basting or removing the meat. Try turning meat only once throughout the cooking process.
TOP TIP: Don’t place the Smokey Mountain Cooker in a windy spot, as this can make it burn too fast and hot.